Thursday, June 18, 2020

Preparing for Your Personal Emergencies

Pet Care Tips for Personal Emergencies

We get a lot of calls from patients in the hospital and from hospital staff on behalf of patients when they learn they have pets at home. While it isn't ideal to walk into a home with pets who don't know us, we have skills that allow us to manage the situation. 

Here are our Helpful Preparation Hints that, should you find yourself in an emergency, will help us step in to take care of your pets. This is especially helpful for seniors who live alone and everyone in the community who doesn't have a family member, friend or neighbor who can help.

1: Put a card in your wallet with emergency contact information and, in large print, that you have pets at home alone.

2: Use a hide-a-key. You can place these just about anywhere and they come in all sorts of disguises. This is a far more secure solution for hiding a key than placing the key in or under a flower pot or under the door mat or furniture. 

3: Keep the food and medication in an easy-to-find location. In the event you aren't able to call us and the nurse calls on your behalf we'll be able to find it.

4: Tape a note to the food storage container or nearby wall that has feeding and medication instructions.

5: Notify your veterinarian of your emergency pet care provider's name and they will let you know what they need to provide treatment in your absence. They may also be willing to supply more medication, should you not have enough, and bill it to your account.

Of course, it is helpful for your emergency contact to be familiar with your pets. We are happy to come by to meet you to alleviate your concern over this important decision and we're always just a phone call away!

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