Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Fourth of July Pet Safety

Four ways to keep your pets safe this Fourth of July

More pets are lost on the 4th of July than on any other day of the year. The animal shelters are filled to capacity with those who are lucky enough to be found and captured. Sadly, most lost pets are never found. Here are six ways to keep your beloved pets safe during the celebrations.

1) Don't take your pet to the Fireworks celebration. It is not exciting for them and they are not impressed by the loud booms, chaotic crowds, smoke and explosive lights in the sky. Most dogs will be terrified by the experience. Others will be highly stressed; you will notice them trembling, panting and drooling.

2) Keep your pets indoors in an escape proof room or crate. Even if your pet is normally kept outdoors it is wise to bring him inside. Keep the windows and blinds closed in the room where your pets will be to reduce their chance of escape and to cut down on the noise and flashes of the fireworks your neighbors may be enjoying. Leave a soft light and the radio or TV on for comfort.

3) Have your pet microchipped. In the event your pet does escape and is found, any animal shelter or veterinarian's office will be able to scan her and contact you. If your pet is already microchipped, be sure to update your information with your current address and contact phone numbers.

4) Use a GPS tracking collar. If your pet becomes lost a GPS tracking collar can help you find him by launching an app on your smart phone. This is often the only way to locate your missing pet as they run as far from the chaos as they can and become lost in the desert or city.

When all of the festivities are over take your pet outside for a supervised potty break. They may be in a stressed state and should not be left unattended outdoors until the next day.


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